Could not fetch specs from Ruby Gems behind the corporate firewall


This error might be a case of running bundle, or gem install behind a (corporate) firewall. To be able to get through, you have to specify the HTTP_PROXY environment for your session.


Type the following on your current session:

set HTTP_PROXY=http://your_username:your_passoword@server:port

Also, I haven’t checked if the character case of the HTTP_PROXY matters. So to be sure, type the variable name using UPPERCASES.

To check if the variable was set, just type:


If it was properly set in the previous step, then the variable-value pair will show up.

For more info, you may visit the ff. sites:

  • The source of the solution above:

  • Parameter –http-proxy from inside the gem.bat (an alternative so you won’t need to set environment variable HTTP_PROXY over and over again, but I haven’t tested it):

  • If you feel like giving up and chose to do a manual work-around (this works, and this is the long-cut):